Our Projects_
Docket: SOAH 473-16-1403 PUC 45170
Before: State Office of Administrative Hearings/Texas Public Utility Commission
Client: City of Oak Point, Texas
Testimony: Transmission Line Siting
Docket: ER01-316-000
Before: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Client: ISO New England
Testimony: Presenting Initial Rate Design for Administrative Cost Recovery Tariff
Docket: ER04-121-000 / ER05-134-000 / ER06-94-000 / ER07-116-000 / ER08-196-000
Before: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Client: ISO New England
Testimony: Annual Tariff Updates
Docket: 1216OP
Before: High Court of Ireland
Client: Meteor Mobile Communications, Inc.
Testimony: Evaluation of the Process Used to Grant the Third Mobile Telephony License in the Republic of Ireland
Docket: 97-12-020
Before: California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
Client: California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA)
Testimony: 1999 General Rate Case of Pacific Gas & Electric Concerning COS, the Impact of Industry Unbundling on Regulated Revenue Requirements and Treatment of Costs Associated with Both Regulated and Competitive Activities
Docket: RM98-10-000 /12-000
Before: Commonwealth of PA Public Service Commission
Client: Commonwealth of PA Public Service Commission Office of Consumer Advocate
Testimony: Terms Governing Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity Allocation and Pricing
Docket: 98-12-005
Before: California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
Client: CPUC ORA
Testimony: Synergistic Benefits of Proposed Bell Atlantic/GTE Merger
Docket: 96-E-0897
Before: New York Public Service Commission
Client: Consolidated Edison of New York, Inc.
Testimony: Demonstration of Strandable Cost Mitigation through Buyout of Non-utility Generator Power Purchase Agreements
Docket: 96-E-0897
Before: New York Public Service Commission
Client: Consolidated Edison of New York, Inc.
Testimony: Demonstration of Strandable Cost Mitigation through Buyout of Non-utility Generator Power Purchase Agreements