Our Projects_
Gainesville Regional Utilities, Florida
Led the 2018 Cost of Service and Rate Study for GRU’s Electric, Water, Wastewater, and Natural Gas Utilities
U.S. Department of Energy
Technical lead to design transmission and ancillary services rates and services for the Power Marketing Administrators as part of DOE’s Defining the Future Grid Initiative. Efforts included facilitated stakeholder workshops, advising the Joint Outreach Team (JOT) and reporting to Secretary Chu on the IRP process of the Western Area Power Administration—including auditing 104 finance reports and 102 Integrated Resource Plans.
City of San Diego, California
Technical Lead for Financial Analysis for the City of San Diego Community Choice Aggregation Feasibility Study.
County of Santa Barbara, California
Technical Lead for Financial Analysis for the Central Coast Power Community Choice Aggregation Feasibility Study for the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura.
City of Tallahassee, Florida
Cost of Service and rate studies for the electric and underground utilities. Led procurement of $2 million of Vendor-Managed Inventory services for water and wastewater routine and critical parts resulting in annual savings of 15-25% in price and 12% in avoided warehouse overhead. She established a capital reprogramming schedule for multiple issues of consolidated utility bonds. Defined and Compiled Key Performance Indicators for Underground Utilities (Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, and Natural Gas) strategic plan.
Incorporated County of Los Alamos, New Mexico
Led the 2014 Electric Utility Cost of Service and Rate Study. Efforts included developing a Power Cost Adjustment Charge (PCA), distributed solar wires charges, and remote off-system load rate riders. In addition, a capital programming plan was established to accommodate an aggressive infrastructure refurbishment effort.
EUCU (formerly Electric Utility Consultants, Inc.)
Ms. Vedder routinely conducts electric financial classes, including four-day training sessions in electric utility COS and rate design, for this respected industry training organization. Most recently, in February 2018, Ms. Vedder conducted a two-day class entitled “Electric Utility Financial Basics.”
City of College Station, Texas
Led the 2018 Electric Distribution Cost of Service and Rate Study. Efforts included developing a PCA mechanism, evaluating wind tariffs, and creating a dynamic financial plan that evaluated alternative debt and rate scenarios in light of targeted financial metrics and industry standards.
Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia
Authored whitepaper on the potential impact of Distributed Energy Resource penetration on Participant revenue sufficiency and cost recovery.
Guam Power Authority (GPA), Guam
Developed cost recovery rate mechanism recommendations for GPA’s Demand-Side Management (DSM) and Energy Efficiency (EE) Program Cost Recovery. Recommendations and supporting analyses were submitted to the public service commission in December 2014.
Greer Commission of Public Works, South Carolina
Designed a seasonal tariff for a large industrial customer. Efforts included analyzing consumption patterns by time of day, shift, day, and month to identify opportunities to create savings for both the customer and utility and design a tariff to capture those savings.
South Carolina Public Service Authority (Santee Cooper)
Supported the 2015 COS, in particular, by authoring a white paper on Economy Power tariff restructuring based on FERC precedent and Open Access Transmission Tariff reforms. Supported the 2012 electric rate study as part of the two-year effort involving developing specific rate and rate programs for the industrial customer base served by Santee Cooper. Supported analyses addressing the valuation of interruptible energy sales to wholesale industrial customers and treatment of demand charges for non-firm customers.
ISO-New England
Designed ISO New England’s first administrative cost recovery tariff and secured FERC approval.
City of Newberry, South Carolina
Designed a rate tariff for large industrial customers based on analysis of consumption patterns. The rate design provides incentives to shift load off peak by altering shift activities and timing, creating savings for both the customer and utility.
Texstar Midstream Services, LLC and TEAK Midstream, LLC
Conducted cost-of-service studies for a new natural gas pipeline and crude oil pipeline in Texas. Provided ongoing support for quarterly and annual FERC filings.
Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority
Performed a Self-Insurance Reserve Fund Study. Efforts included developing fund sizing, balance and administration recommendations; analyzing pre and post-storm fund performance; and evaluating trends in disaster recovery funding and catastrophic risk pooling post Hurricanes Sandy and Irene and in light of the Obama Administration’s 2014 Climate Action Plan.
Guam Power Authority (GPA), Guam
Developed protocols for GPA’s self-insurance program for the Phase II Filing of its FY 2014 rate case. Efforts included surveying existing programs, analyzing storm fund performance, and evaluating trends in disaster recovery funding and catastrophic risk pooling
City of Manassas, Virginia
Served as the project lead for the electric component in the annual update of a combined system (electric, water and wastewater) retail rate and cost-of-service study.
LS Power Equity Advisors, Nevada
Provided rate and regulatory management consulting services in support of a successful protest motion filed by Las Vegas Power Company LLC in the October 2012, FERC Transmission Rate Case of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.